New drawings/commissions made for Corner4Art, the company that currently deals with the majority of international sales of my original art. Here you can see this two Hellboy drawings. The originals are in A3 & A4 size. Corner4Art manages the sale and auction of my work on the internet. For more information visit my page on Corner4Art website:
New drawings/commissions made for Corner4Art, the company that currently deals with the majority of international sales of my original art.
Here you can see several Marvel characters drawings. The originals are in A4 & A3 size. Corner4Art manages the sale and auction of my work on the internet. For more information visit my page on Corner4Art website:
Más dedicatorias hechas en ejemplares de la graphic novel It Was Metal, mi primera colaboración con el grupo de rock norteamericano A Sound of Thunder. More dedicated drawings made in copies of the graphic novel It Was Metal, my first collaboration with the American rock group A Sound of Thunder. BON COP DE FALÇ !!!
I present the first color test with Claudia Duran, a new color artist who is developing her technique and style on several drawings of mine in a first stage of tests. This first pin-up Harley Quinn has been so good that almost certainly I will include it in a new Artbook that I am preparing with my French editor Idées Plus. Here you can see the stages of Claudia's color, from the black and white drawing. Enjoy! .................................................................................. Os presento el primer test-color con Claudia Duran, una nueva colorista que está desarrollando su técnica y estilo sobre varios dibujos míos en una primera etapa de pruebas. Éste primer pin-up Harley Quinn ha quedado tan bien que casi seguro lo voy a incluir en un nuevo Artbook que estoy preparando con mi editor francés Idées Plus. Aquí podéis ver las etapas del color de Claudia, a partir del dibujo en blanco y negro. Enjoy !