Aquí podéis ver la versión color de mi ilustración Arnold Schwarzenegger/Conan con la que participé en la exposición colectiva #ConanPincelesBárbaros en el Arnold Classic Europe hace unos meses. La exposición esta organizada por la Asociación Española de Amigos del Cómic. El color está realizado por Miren Pijuan y aquí podéis ver varias etapas de su trabajo. ..................................................................................... Here you can see the color version of my illustration Arnold Schwarzenegger/Conan with which I participated in the collective exhibition #ConanPincelesBárbaros in the Arnold Classic Europe a few months ago. The exhibition is organized by Asociación Española de Amigos del Cómic.
LEGENDARY HEROES ARTBOOK DELUXE EDITION 96 Pages - 24 x 32 cm Hardcover with characters in selective varnish + title on hot iron + 5 ex-libris + 1 original drawing of one of the characters of the album in 18 x 25 cm Preface by Steven L. Sears Art: Mike Ratera Colors: Cris Ortega - Diego L. Parada- Nuria Sayago - Max - Yuri Shepherd - Miren Pijuan - Carol Sánchez - Claudia Duran Model: Seffy Moon Publisher: Idées Plus I present you my new artbook Legendary Heroes, where you will find a large selection of drawings and recent works about the universe of super-heroes and characters from TV series, movies and video games. The book is in english and will be distributed initially in France and Belgium. Appearance: April 2019 Legendary Heroes-Deluxe Edition more information & orders:
I present you my new artbook, where you will find a large selection of drawings and recent works about the universe of super-heroes and characters from TV series, movies and video games. The book is in english and will be distributed initially in France and Belgium. Appearance: April 2019 Legendary Heroes-Limited Edition more information & orders:
I'm preparing a lot of new material for my next Artbook, which will be published in France next season with my editor Idées Plus and whose theme is the American cinema & comics heros. Soon I will give you all the information about the Artbook, which will have several different editions. I present here the WIP of one of the new drawings, this Thor / Chris Hemsworth, painted by the color artist Miren Pijuan. Enjoy ! ......................................................................... Je prépare pas mal de new matériel pour mon prochain Artbook, qui va être publié en France pendant la prochaine saison avec mon éditeur Idées Plus et dont le thème ce sont les héros comics & cinéma américain. Je vous donnerai bientôt toute l´info concernant ce Artbook, qui aura plusieurs éditions différentes. Je vous présente ici le WIP d'un des nouveaux dessins, ce Thor / Chris Hemsworth, colorié par Miren Pijuan. Enjoy !
I present here a new collaboration with Minxu the color artist in this illustration Daenerys/Game of Thrones. You can see the outcome of color, and the line drawing on which has been colored. Enjoy ! ..................................................................... Os presento una nueva colaboración con mi colorista Minxu, en esta ilustración Daenerys/Juego de Tronos. Aquí podéis ver el color final y mi dibujo nivel trazo sobre el que se ha pintado. Enjoy !
Aquí tenéis esta versión color para uno de mis dibujos Black Widow. El color está realizado por Minxu, una colorista que ya forma parte de mi equipo. Aquí está su página facebook de colorista:
.......................................................................... Look at the color version for one of my Black Widow drawings. The color is made by Minxu a color artist who is already part of my team. Here's your colorist facebook page: