Here you can see new drawings recently made as a dedication in copies of my artbook LEGENDARY HEROES - Standard Edition - Limited Edition - Deluxe Edition. For more information and to order your copy go to this link on my publisher's website:
Aquí podéis ver la versión color de mi ilustración Arnold Schwarzenegger/Conan con la que participé en la exposición colectiva #ConanPincelesBárbaros en el Arnold Classic Europe hace unos meses. La exposición esta organizada por la Asociación Española de Amigos del Cómic. El color está realizado por Miren Pijuan y aquí podéis ver varias etapas de su trabajo. ..................................................................................... Here you can see the color version of my illustration Arnold Schwarzenegger/Conan with which I participated in the collective exhibition #ConanPincelesBárbaros in the Arnold Classic Europe a few months ago. The exhibition is organized by Asociación Española de Amigos del Cómic.
New several DC Comics characters drawings made for clients who have recently commissioned me these drawings. The original drawings are in A3 size. First this Joker, inspired by the characterization of Joaquin Phoenix in the recent film. Here you can see 4 stages of this work:
Here another Joker, more classic, dancing a tango with a Harley Quinn dressed in steam punk clothes. The color is made with traditional technique, with watercolor pencils:
Here a classic Harley Quinn:
And the final 2 stages of this Catwoman Ninja:
And finally this illustration Aquaman & Mera also made with pencil as final art, in 3 stages:
I present here the last five BLANK COVERS recently made, out of a total of 27 that I have made for this limited edition SKETCHBOOK published in Belgium with La Bulle à 9 a few years ago: BATMAN - THOR - WOLVERINE - IRON MAN - BLACK CAT
Voici une nouvelle groupe dessins originaux faits que pour les clients qu´ont fait résérvation des exemplaires de l´artbook Legendary Heroes-édition De Luxe (couverture Poison Ivy) Voici les détails pour cette édition: ÉDITION DE LUXE 96 Pages - 24 x 32 cm Tranche toilé + titre posé au fer à chaud + couve avec personnages en verni sélectif + un cahier de 24 pages supplémentaires + 5 ex-libris originaux numérotés et signés + 1 dessin original d’un des personnages de l’album au format 18 x 25 cm Tirage limité à 100 exemplaires Les clients peuvent réserver leur copie et choisir le personnage du dessin original dans la liste que vous trouverez dans ce lien de mon éditeur Idées Plus:
Here is a new group of original drawings made for the customers who made reservation of copies of my artbook Legendary Heroes-Deluxe edition (Poison Ivy cover) Here are the details of this edition: DELUXE EDITION 96 Pages - 24 x 32 cm Hardcover with characters in varnish + title on hot iron + 5 ex-libris + 1 original drawing of one of the characters of the album in 18 x 25 cm Limited edition 100 copies Customers can reserve their copy and choose the character of the original drawing in the list that you will find in this link of my french publisher Idées Plus: